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ASF is expanding in a new direction!

Hi All,

2020 -22 was a long and difficult two years for all of us. With Covid 19 taking our loved ones, going into strict lockdown protocol and with me going through operations to my face and ear, due to a very aggressive Basal cell carcinoma - skin cancer, however, we have endured and have made it through. It's also been difficult as my ear reconstruction had to be put on hold because the hospital I was going to had a major fire and loads of departments were affected by this destruction.

However, it gave me the chance to finish my Forensic Psychology studies. I enjoyed it so much that I continued to study further. Doing the following diploma courses:

1) Mental Health Wellness

2) PTSD, Depression & Anxiety.

3) Emotional Intelligence Coaching.

4) Positive Psychology and Mindfulness Therapy.

5) Cognitive Behavioural and Dialectic Behavioural Therapy.

6) Certified TED speaker.

7) Crime scene Analysis.

Studying in these areas has opened up new avenues for me and ASF, that I would have never even thought of going into.

ULoo, a European Coaching company has approached me to join their fantastic team of professional coaches.

I have created a therapy sub-branch called Soul Care Therapy, falling under the umbrella of the African Survivor Foundation. I am embarking on a new endeavour, going in the direction of a Cancer Care, Mental Wellness, Mindfullness and Chronic Pain Coach.

Blog posts will be posted about different mental health issues, positive helpful practices and I am writing/developing workbooks and different manuals on subjects like depression anxiety etc. These will be made available to purchase on this website and also will be made available on the ULoo coaching app found in the Google play store.

My coaching programs will be available via this ULoo app. If you or you know of anyone that is needing a Cancer Care Coach, to walk a road with them, during their illness, they can contact me via the ULoo coaching app. ( Google play store.) Soul Care Therapy - Ian.

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