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Urgent Update:

Here is the latest on my journey to get a prosthetic ear!

I am going back to the Dr and the hospital after a huge fire destroyed most of the building. My journey was put on hold.

I am continuing the journey after getting a phone call from my Dr. My appointment is on Tuesday 15th March. I will keep you updated as things progress. It has been a long painful journey, after suffering constant ridicule and people not wanting to give me the time of day, because of my face and right ear, riddled with cancer. I have faced name-calling, lost job and have been a social outcast for many years. If I did dare to venture out, I always had a bandana on my head to cover up my so called "repulsive face". 🤣🤣. As the saying goes, " I have a face that only a mother loves". 😁😁.

Soon I will be sporting a new prosthetic ear. But until then I am facing a few more operations. I am having several teeth removed due to cancer affecting my gums. 5 teeth in total. I will be sporting some new teeth soon.

I can finally start smiling in public again. 😁

However, cancer has started spreading to my left ear and the Dr's will be addressing this on my visit, on the 15th March.

I will definitely keep everyone posted and updated on my progress.

Cancer has stolen a lot of body parts in my case, BUT it will never steal my Joy nor my Eternal life. There is hope and that hope doesn't come from man. It comes from My Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Below are the pictures of what my face looked like after the infection was cleared up with very strong antibiotics and before the op. And pictures of me going through the op in 20/21, with them using my left thigh for the skin grafts. I have been to hell and back!!

Thank you for all the prayers that have been going out. It means the world to me. Please continue the prayers as things are not over. I have been bravely fighting cancer on and off since 2003. Sometimes, even the strong ones needs help and support. My main supporter my mom, passed away in 2019. I miss here so much!!! It's not nice to face this alone.

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